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Writer, Curator, Academic

Oxford, UK


Abi Allan





Abi Allan is a curator, academic, and writer based between Wolverhampton in the West Midlands and Oxford. She is currently studying Classical Archaeology at the University of Oxford, specialising in ancient Greek ceramics. Her other interests are the impact of climate change on global heritage and archaeology, and how museums and heritage can be used to adapt to, mitigate, and educate about climate change.

Abi has previous experience working with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; the British Museum; the National Trusty; National Historic Ships UK; and Fairfield House, Bath, where she curated the museum, catalogued the collection, and created policies.

Abi's writing is predominantly non-fiction, specifically creative non-fiction, although she has recently branched out into fiction. Her work can be found in Anthroposphere, Moxy Magazine, Common Ground, and Stone of Madness Press.

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