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Multidisciplinary Artist, Curator



Lolly Adams





Adams (b.1989) is a London based multidisciplinary artist whose work channels psychological states to explore herself and others as emotional beings. Adams’s research is concerned with the mind-body experience and she has been forming alter egos that embody psychological concepts particularly ‘emotional baggage’ these characters include Miss HerNia (@misshernia) and The Hoarder. Miss HerNia has her own phlegm-pop theatrical music career and you can find her on queer stages around the city. Themes including the body, waste, value and humour are important to her work, these can be seen in her recent lard sculpture self portraits suggestive of marble busts. The Bolster Playground is an ongoing installation project that functions as a workshop, artwork, stage, visual stimuli for performance work and more that explores support and relationships. Adams graduated from Byam Shaw School of Art (CSM) in 2011 and was part of the 2017-18 TOMA (The Other MA) (@theotherma) cohort which is a postgraduate level art programme outside of the traditional institutional model she is currently a curator for their project space as well as a board member. Adams is part of several collectives that have performed at the Barbican, the ICA, Flowers and the Saatchi gallery and she has exhibited or performed at the V&A, Cob Gallery, Artsadmin, Focal Point Gallery, Glastonbury, VFD and Guest projects.

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