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Creative Coder, Geospatial Data Scientist



Noah Payne





Noah Payne (he/him): I am a 21-year-old trans-masc Self-Taught, Freelance Creative Coder from Glasgow, Scotland living in London. I am very passionate about the conservation and teachings on civil rights, Black/ Indigenous peoples LGBTQAI+ rights, working-class, blue-collar communities, environmental activism and climate conservation amongst everything.
My creative coding work during this past year has taken an unexpected branch outward from Programming and Machine Learning to include Geospatial Data Science and Climate Activism after joining the youth climate activist group Green New Deal Rising in Glasgow.
I am exploring the new, booming and humble niche of (Geospatial) Data Science that focuses on bringing forth concepts, theories and applications that are specific to geographical data – which include providing theories and concepts on how to correctly implement a new strategy that can help pass the new Paris Agreement. A pledge that was agreed to by 200 countries in 2015 to keep global warming "well below" 2C (above pre-industrial levels) to avoid a climate catastrophe. Those 200 countries are now meeting in my home, Glasgow on October 31st to discuss manifestoes and strategies on how to follow through with their promise.
My goal is to make new working-class creative friends who would are as passionate or who want to get involved in helping to create thought-provoking, user-friendly and conversation-starting projects and art that can get everyone talking about environmentalism and conservation! Either in the form of games, AI or art!

[ Links to resources that I believe can help start conversations: ]

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