In 2023 we created a members survey to find out more about our 900+ members and help us to help working class creatives in 2024 and beyond. We want to make sure we are fulfilling our aims of being a community and network for working class creatives, providing a platform for their creativity, creating opportunities and Tackling classism within creative industries.
The survey questions were carefully crafted to delve into the journeys of our members in the realm of art and to gain insights into the circumstances that have shaped their current positions. A significant number of our members have pursued higher education and are already integral parts of the art landscape in various capacities. This exploration into our members’ backgrounds not only aids in understanding them better but also sheds light on their needs and desires. As a dynamic database, our mission is to align with the aspirations of our community and ensure that we are progressing in the right direction.
Analysing the gathered data has been instrumental in refining our goals for 2024. Essentially, our primary objective is to foster a deeper connection with our members, comprehending their unique journeys and providing the support they require. This emphasis on understanding our community better underscores the pivotal role their voices and opinions play, not only in shaping their personal experiences but also in influencing the broader landscape of the art world. In essence, our commitment is to amplify the importance of our community’s voice and actively respond to their needs, thereby strengthening our collective impact on the ever-evolving world of art.